So Long DreamHost, and Thanks for All the Fish

I have been using DreamHost since 2009. Back then, having a shared host was the smartest thing I could do for $ 8 a month. But not anymore, so it’s time to move on.

Full DNS control, unlimited MySQL databases, unlimited storage and unlimited transfer was the best deal you could get for about $ 8. DreamHost has come a long way, but the internet has moved on too and so will I.

So I’m moving different pieces of my usage of DreamHost Share Hosting to several services. I’m moving my site to GitHub Pages and will be moving my other applications to Scaleway. My DNS and domain registration will be moving to TransIP.

I’m not hosting a big blog or something, so hosting my blog on GitHub Pages really fits well. I’m a big advocate of open source software / content, so the content for my blog is CC BY 4.0).

I’m already using TransIP for a couple of other domains and their customer support is excellent.

As for my other applications, I love to experiment with open source software and only having PHP and MySQL has always annoyed me about shared hosts. Recently I have been playing with virtual machines and bare metal servers on Scaleway and I have been impressed with their platform. I will be using their virtual private servers with Docker. Currently starting at € 2,99 a month, I will stay way below my current $ 8 a DreamHost.

– So Long DreamHost, And Thanks for All the Fish –

Written on December 27, 2016